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2019 Internaitonal Cultural Festival Held in Tongren Polytechnic College


On April 13, the opening ceremony of 2019 Internaitonal Cultural Festival was held in Tongren Polytechnic College, attended by all international students of the College as well as some officials from colleges around.

In the ceremony, students from various countries and cultures showed their songs, dances, traditional costumes, paitings and calligraphies, handmade crafts, and, most attractively, served their countries’authentic homemade food.

This event distinguishes as a great opportunity for both Chinese and international students to exchange their culture and have a better understanding of each other, to  experience culture and food from other countries and to strengthen the ties and friendship.

Ever since 2011, Tongren Polytechnic Collge has been devoted to developing international eudcation and has produced fruitful results. Over 800 students from 40 countires were recruited in the College, and 348 of them are now on campus studying various programs. In 2016 and 2017, the College was on the list of “Top 50 Colleges in Internaitonal Influence”two years in a roll.

The event will last for six months and more facinating activities are right to show. Look forward to your coming!

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